
四聖諦 -- The Four Noble Truths

苦 sorrow / suffering / true sufferings

集 cause of sorrow / true origins of suffering

滅 cessation of sorrow / true cessations of suffering

道 path / the Noble Eightfold Path / true paths out of suffering

三聖 three nobles

1. 釋迦牟尼佛 shakyamuni buddha / sakyamuni buddha

2. 藥師佛 bhaisajyaguru buddha

3. 阿彌陀佛 amitabha buddha
八戒 The Eight Precepts

不殺生 not to kill

不偷盜 not to steal

不淫慾 not to associat with the opposite sex

不妄語 not to tell lie

不飲酒 not to take intoxicating liquor

過午不食 not to take food after midday

not to dance, sing, play music, see unseemly shows, use garlands, perfumes, etc.

不坐高廣大床 not to use high, grand and luxurious seats, beds and beddings


寧瑪巴噶陀大圓滿虹光家族 珞棻整理