喇嘛網 日期:2010/05/08 NPO  編輯部 報導


 台灣四眾弟子將於2010年七月六日 尊貴的法王達賴喇嘛尊者壽誕日舉辦 【淨韻三千祈福演唱會】,藉由溫馨、祥和、殊勝的法音,在傳達法王悲智願力的同時,也祈願我等得到生命中最真實圓滿的快樂。



 演唱會功德將迴向法界有情離一切苦、得究竟安樂。祈願世界和平,天災止息;一切亡者以及災難中不幸傷亡者解脫大怖畏,得生淨土。祈願達賴喇嘛尊者、怙主上師、拉諦仁波切與眾上師法體安康、長久住世,令法輪常轉、正法久住。地點 中油大樓國光廳 晚上7.00-10.00


 社團法人台北市甘丹東頂顯密佛學研修學會 敬邀


 2010 Blessing Concert for H.H the Dalai Lama

A blessing concert will be held on the 6th July 2010, the 76th birthday of HH the Dalai Lama. While conveying the wisdom and compassion of His Holiness, we also pray for the ultimate happiness in our lives.

 HH the Dalai Lama is the political and religious leader of Tibet, and the Nobel Peace Price laureate; a heart teacher and life’s intimate friend of many people, who led us towards the ultimate happiness.

 The merit of the concert will be dedicated to all sentient beings. may all of them be well, happy, and free from all sufferings. May the world be peaceful and free from all natural calamity. May all the dead and those killed in accident be free from fear and be reborn in the pure land. May HH the Dalai Lama, Relying Guru Lati Rinpoche and all Gurus be well and live with us forever so that the dharma wheel may turn forever, and the genuine Buddhism exist in the world eternally.

 Guidance: Tibet Religious Foundation Of H.H The Dalai Lama

 Co-organizers: Gaden Shartse Monastery, South India

 Gaden Thoesam Sutric and Tantri Center, Taiwan




 地 址:台北縣中和市中山路二段565號

 索票專線 電 話: (02)2222-0055  (02)2222-0055 (02)2222-5500

 觀看更多2009年第一屆淨韻三千演唱會照片 http://www.wretch.cc/album/cute961112  



(02)2222-0055 (02)2222-5500