
胜者 贝玛林巴伏藏王 传承  
Commemorating the Birth of Guru Rinpoche
In the year of the Iron Ox, Month and Day of the Monkey
Pema Lingpa Terton Lineage

日期 Date:2021/06/20  (20 June 2021)

地点 Venue:不丹岗顶寺 Gangteng Monastery, Bhutan

藏历的五月初十乃是旧译宁玛派最为重要的『莲师诞辰』纪念日,亦是 岗顶寺年度最为盛大的节日,当天会举办《意成就摩尼宝海上师》暨《普贤密意总集文武百尊合修》大法会,由于当天乃莲师降临瞻部洲为弟子赐予加持之上师日 ,因此修持《宝海上师三根本》可轻易获得莲师加持,并结合《大圆满普贤密意总集》作为诵戒布萨,可净化过去一年来对上师所违犯的身、语、意誓言,如不恭敬上师、损恼上师等等,因此当天也是岗顶寺年度最为重要的法会。




截止日期: 2021/06/18

The tenth day of the fifth month of the Tibetan calendar is the most important day of the Nyingma tradition as it commemorates the birth of Guru Rinpoche, also known as Padmasambhava – the Lotus Born. It is also the grandest and most important annual festival at Gangteng Monastery, Bhutan as it features not only two important pujas – “Lama Norbu Gyamtsho” and “Hundred Peaceful and Wrathful Deities”, and is also the day that Guru Rinpoche bestowed blessings to his disciples. Therefore, the practice of “The Three Fundamentals of Lama Norbu Gyamtsho” invokes immeasurable blessing of Guru Rinpoche, and when combined with the practice of “Dzogchen’s The Union of Samantabhadraʹs Intentions” can purify the body, speech and mind. It can also purify unwholesome deeds such as breaking tantric vows – samaya or disrespect to the guru.

In addition, one hundred thousand Tsok offerings will be performed to purify misdeeds, accumulate blessings and fulfill the vows to quell unfavorable circumstances, especially the pandemic that has affected the world for the past year. Smoke Puja will also be held to cleanse all the karmic debts plaguing sentient beings due to accumulated unwholesome deeds inflicted on others, so that all sentients beings in the four directions be endowed with peace, happiness and blessings.

Ten thousand lamps will also be lit on that day as light offerings signifying the luminosity of wisdom and enlightenment. Thus, lamp offering is known to be most extraordinary and skillful method of ushering in a bright future, igniting wisdom and dispel darkness and ignorance – an expedient way to realisation.

Above are incredibly expedient and altruistic ways to not only help oneself but all sentient beings to accumulate blessings, share merits and alleviate suffering, especially on the sacred day of commemorating Guru Rinpoche’s birthday. With the special blessing on this auspicious day, the merits will be multiplied, so treasure this sacred opportunity!

Rejoice in your participation of the Puja (offering amount as per your own wishes):
- Light Offering
- Puja Offering
- Dana/Sangha Offering
Closing date of registration: 18 June 2021


智慧轮佛学会 谨识
Yeshe Khorlo Nyingmapa Buddhist Centre (Asia)