更新日期:2013/12/02 10:05:48
學習次第 : 進階






In taking refuge in the Three Jewels, ideally, one is not taking refuge in an individual person. For us, the primary focus of "buddha" is Shakyamuni Buddha. It is important to recognize the buddha of this time. The buddha of this time, who has taught the teachings, is Shakyamuni Buddha. So Shakyamuni Buddha has to be the principal focus of refuge, not any person or deity taking that place. Also, the teaching of the Buddha mentions that one is one's own protector. The point to be understood here it is not that, in your confused samsaric state, you are your own protector. The Buddha has shown the path. The Buddha is an object of refuge, undoubtedly. Yet the actual object of refuge is the Dharma, which the individual must integrate for their potential to become manifest through the support of the Sangha. By applying the practice of the Dharma, the central message of the Buddha, one can gain liberation. It is in this way that one can become one's own protector.


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