日期:2019/05/12 喇嘛網 報導

第5世熹嘉祖古仁波切(丹增‧圖燈‧饒傑) 簡介:
Introduction of Zeekgyab Tulku Rinpoche
◆第4世熹嘉祖古仁波切為西藏甘孜地區甘孜寺(Tehor Kargon Monastery)的寺主之一。
- The forth Zeekgyab Tulku Rinpoche was the master of Tehor Kargon Monastery in Tibet.
- The forth Zeekgyab Tulku Rinpoche declared that he would not reincarnate and advised his disciples not to look for his reincarnation.
- After his parinirvana, his disciples followed his instruction and didn’t look for the fifth Zeekgyab Tulku Rinpoche.
- The 14th Dalai Lama advised Zeekgyab Tulku Rinpoche’s disciples that they should find their master’s reincarnation.
◆第5世熹嘉仁波切不到2歲時就被探訪隊找到,仁波切誕生於南印度藏人屯墾區一戶平凡的藏族家庭中,仁波切的父母親經營流亡藏人服飾的買賣。仁波切的父親名為Passang Tsewang、母親Youdon。
- The fifth Zeekgyab Tulku Rinpoche was found at his age 2. And he was born in a government hospital in Kolahpur city in western India to a humble Tibetan family who were seasonal garment sellers like many of exile Tibetans in India. His father Passang Tsewang and mother Youdon are from the Tibetan settlement in Bylakuppe.
- At the age of 2ish, The fifth Rinpoche Zeekgyab Tulku went to Ganden Jangtse College of the Ganden Monastery in Karnataka, India.
◆ 第5世熹嘉仁波切依止甘丹寺北學院堪蘇仁波切,名為洛桑曲尼(LOBSANG CHOENYI)仁波切
- The Zeekgyab Tulku Rinpoche set at the feet of Khensur Rinpoche of Ganden Jangtse College, who was also known as LOBSANG CHOENYI Rinpoche.
◆ 第5世熹嘉仁波切於25歲時,考取格西和噶欽學位。
- Rinpoche has passed both the Geshe (equivalent to Ph.D in Buddhist philosophy) and Kachen, an equivalent title from the Tashi Lhunpo monastery and also undergone Tantric studies from Gyumed monastery in South India. His education under former Abbot of Ganden Jangtse Lobsang Choejor spans over 22 years and continues to this day.
- The fifth Zeekgyab Tulku Rinpoche was appointed teacher of Tashi Lhunpo Monastery by the 14th Dalai Lama when he was 25 years old.
◆第5世熹嘉仁波切 於35歲時被第14世尊者達賴喇嘛任命為南印度札什倫布寺的堪布。
- The fifth Rinpoche Zeekgyab Tulku Rinpoche was appointed Khenpo of Tashi Lhunpo Monastery by the 14th Dalai Lama at the age of 35.
Tashi Lhunpo’s new abbot is the youngest at just 36.
西藏的精神領袖達賴喇嘛尊者在幾個月前於菩提迦耶任命第五世的熹嘉祖古仁波切(Jetsun Tenzin Thupten Rabgyal)為札什倫布寺第五任堪布,現年36歲。
熹嘉仁波切也通過了格西學位(佛教哲學博士學位)和噶欽學位(札什倫布寺的格西學位)也完成了在南印度下密院的密法課程。他主要依止的師長是甘丹寺北頂學院前任堪布Lobsang Choejor仁波切,至今已經超過22年。
Tashi Lhunpo’s new abbot is the youngest at just 36
One of Tibet’s most prominent monastery Tashi Lhunpo, the seat of the Panchen Lamas, which has been rebuilt in exile following the Chinese occupation of Tibet has a new abbot. The new abbot or the Khen Rinpoche was officially enthroned on Monday at the Tashi Lhunpo monastery in Bylakyppe, South India where over 1400 people attended.
Appointed as the 5th Abbot of Tashi Lhunpo since its inception in South India by the foremost Buddhist leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Bodhgaya months ago, Jetsun Tenzin Thupten Rabgyal, the fifth incarnation of Sigkyab Tulku, is just 36-years old.
“It is a mixed feeling, in that I am constantly fraught with fear with what responsibility the position entails. I do not possess the necessary experience or the wisdom but I feel that the guidance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and my teachers is a safety net that cushions me from the pressure of the position at the moment,” he told Phayul.
But the young lama is determined to deliver. He says that the role catapults him to a vantage point to do “larger good for both the monastery and the Buddha dharma”. When asked what does that mean practically, he replies, “To begin with, I intend to have more classes that gives introduction to Buddhism and advanced classes for anyone who wishes to listen.”
His first step as Abbot can best be described as symmetrical and honest in that his life’s work before the appointment had been of a teacher. He has been a teacher for 12 of his 36 years on earth. Prior to his appointment, he frequently holds Buddhism introduction classes for the masses in person as well as through Skype for his students in far-off Taiwan.
He has passed both the Geshe (equivalent to Ph.D in Buddhist philosophy) and Kachen, an equivalent title from the Tashi Lhunpo monastery and also undergone Tantric studies from Gyumed monastery in South India. His education under former Abbot of Ganden Jangtse Lobsang Choejor spans over 22 years and continues to this day.
The new Khenpo of Tashi Lhunpo was born in a government hospital in Kolahpur city in western India to a humble Tibetan family who were seasonal garment sellers like many of exile Tibetans in India. His father Passang Tsewang and mother Youdon are from the Tibetan settlement in Bylakuppe.