


堪布 松柏 仁波切於一九七四年,出生在西康甘孜縣,是皇家別日國王的後裔。
仁波切七歲時,開始在"貢龍寺"學習伏藏、手印、本尊金剛法器及儀軌。十三歲時,大修行者頂果 欽哲法王,認證仁波切是---佐千貢直仁波切的第五世轉世,並正式坐床。隨後,仁波切被送往「佐千五明佛學院」接受顯密佛法傳承的嚴格教法。在佛學院裡,他特別受到上師佐千法王 貝瑪格桑、貝瑪才旺仁波切以及 堪布 宏洛仁波切的關愛,特別教導他更高深的密法。經過八年潛修佛學的授持及薰陶,和四年的閉關修行,仁波切天資聰穎,領悟通達,成績優異,在一次文殊菩薩佛學測試法會中,從八千多位僧眾裡以優異的成績脫穎而出,唯一取得佐千法王 貝瑪格桑 所頒發的特優佛學博士學位,並賜予尊貴法名--- 堪布 松柏仁波切。

在佐千五明佛學院傳授佛法期間,拉薩「桑耶寺」的主事前往西康,欲尋覓一位卓越的主法金剛上師。佐千法王 貝瑪格桑從眾多的修行者中,特別慎重推舉 松柏仁波切擔負起「桑耶寺」的金剛上師之大任。時值二十三歲,是多年以來唯一最年輕有為,最優越,最受尊重的博學金剛上師。「桑耶寺」是藏傳佛教四大教派的發源寺,當年西藏國王赤松別贊為迎請蓮華生大士特別修建的第一座寺院。


擁有顯密佛學博士的堪布 松柏仁波切,為了將佛法弘揚到世界各地。他毅然決然放棄「桑耶寺」祟高的主法寶座,本著使命所需,情願受盡一切苦難和阻撓,無畏無懼,到處奔波,散播佛法的種子,學習觀世音菩薩的大願,期望眾生都能離苦得樂。由於西藏處於偏遠地區,只有教育才能脫離窮苦,仁波切有感學問的重要。 遂於2004年九月, 在家鄉甘孜縣動手籌建生康佛學院。希望藉由教育,百年樹人,讓西藏的子民有機會接受正規的教育。仁波切並發願要把佛法像海水一樣,流向每個眾生,以清靜的身、口、意,來成就佛的淨土、蓮花的世界。如此難得的殊勝佛法成就者,令人敬佩。仁波切說:即使只有一位弟子,我都願意教導,願我的所在地就是成佛的地方。

The Most Venerable Khenpo Sangpo Rinpoche

The Most Venerable Khenpo Sangpo Rinpoche was born in Ganzi County in Kham, eastern Tibet in 1974. From childhood he felt a special connection with Chenrezig (Avalokiteshvara, the Buddha of compassion) and Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava). As a young boy, he was recognized by HH Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche as the 5th reincarnation of Gonzi Rinpoche. From the age of seven, he started studying a wide range of Buddhist treatises at The Gon Long Monastery in Kham. He was then sent to The Dzogchen Five Knowledge Buddhist Institute to receive the supreme lineage of Nyingma teachings and traditions under the supervision of many accomplished and renowned masters such as his root master HH Dzogchen Padma Kalsang Rinpoche, Padma Tsewan Rinpoche and Khenpo Dhazer. With his outstanding performance, he obtained the honorable khenpo degree (equivalent to doctorate degree in Buddhist philosophy) in the short time of eight years, completing his studies with four years in retreat.

He continued to teach as a professor at The Dzogchen Five Knowledge Buddhist Institute before being invited to teach at the famous Samye Monastery in Lhasa, Tibet. The Samye Monastery was constructed by King Trisong Detsen and Guru Rinpoche in the 8th century and was Tibet’s first and oldest Buddhist monastery. Rinpoche was only 23 years old at that time. He taught as a vajra master at Samye Monastery for three years before leaving Tibet in 1998.

Today, Rinpoche is a compassionate and accomplished Dzogchen master. He has established centers in Taiwan and has been invited to teach regularly in several countries, including Singapore, Malaysia, Nepal, Germany, UK, Denmark, Spain, Sweden and Norway. Rinpoche has tirelessly put his effort towards benefiting people all over the world.

He is currently engaged in building a Buddhist college in Ganzi County, because he has a genuine wish for Tibetan people to get an opportunity for good education. The project was started in September 2004.
