11/12 ~更密上師 具明點印薈供~
吉祥如意~11/12日(二)晚上7:30分更密上師 具明點印薈供,本月適逢天降月,功德超勝,請撥允參加。
11/27日晚上7:30分(三)舉行 遍空自解薈供,在10月19日月蝕共修的清晨,我們的事業金剛師兄帶來一份驚喜的法寶禮物,彼岸新出的 遍空自解課誦集(中藏文),本課誦集收錄了祈請文,正行,諸多本尊簡修及事業儀軌(文殊,觀音,普巴,金剛薩埵,忿怒蓮師,藥師佛,壽修意集,摧破金剛,大白傘蓋佛母...。皆出自遍空自解法集)書末並有 尊勝 賈傑康楚仁波切開示行者於受持 遍空自解灌頂後,應該如何守持三昧耶戒的解說,值此殊勝天降月,欣喜法寶遍空自解教法將廣揚遍傳的緣起,當日來參加薈供師兄姐,中心即結緣一本此課誦集,雖然若尚無受到灌頂以此法寶供養壇城作為頂禮所依的對境也是非常好的,但因數量有限,這次結緣以受過灌頂的師兄姊為先,當日請帶灌頂卡,請容我們提醒,密法若無傳承,灌頂,口傳,教授,修之缺乏加持,虛擲寶貴人生。
11月12日 (二) 晚上7:30 更密上師具明點印 薈供
11月27日 (三) 晚上7:30 遍空自解薈供
Dear Dharma brothers and sisters:
Tashi delek~On 12th Nov Tuesday, 7:30 pm, We will do Thigle Gyalchen Tsok,This month is special auspicious Dewali Month, Accumulate immeasurable merits, Please join us.
On 27th Nov Wednesday, 7:30 pm, We will do Khakhyab Rangdrol Tsok.On the last 19th Oct auspicious lunar eclipse day morning, We received a surprise gift from a Vajra brother, It is a sadhana of Khakhyab Rangdrol daily prayer in Chinese and Tibetan languages. It was just released recently from China.
This sadhana contains prayers, development n completion stages, realization inner essence, yidam practices, etc. Moreover, at the end of the book, there is Garje Khamtrul Rinpoche advise, about how one keeps Samaya after receiving the Khakhyab Rangdrol empowerment. So in this special auspicipus month, We are very happy to see this wide spreading of precious Dharma gems . Please come on the 27th to join Tsok with us. We will offer some copies of this sadhana. Because copies are limited at this time, we can only distribute them to students who had received the empowerment already. So please bring your empowerment card with you when you come.
For those of you who haven't received the empowerment yet, but willing to keep a copy of the Sadhana, you may put it on your shrine as a very ideal object of refuge. In such case, please just keep it on the shrine but not reading it. As in Vajrayana, before one has the transmission lineage, and without proper empowerment, oral transmission, and teaching instructions, one is not allowed to read or actually practising the texts. It is dangerous and you are risking your life. One will waste his or her time and receive no blessing or merits. Just keep it on the shrine is fine, and you are safe.
5F.,No.7,Aly.3,Ln.130,Sec.3,Nangang Rd.,Nangang Dist.,Taipei City
TEL 0986-555-335