露真情:認識面孔和情感,加強溝通 分類:地方


◎32年來,保羅ekman博士 was a Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California at San Francisco.是一個心理學教授,在精神病學系,在美國加州大學舊金山. He received his undergraduate education at the University of Chicago and New York University.他獲得了大學本科教育,在美國芝加哥大學和紐約大學等. He received his Ph.D.他獲得博士學位 from Adelphi University in 1958 after spending a year in clinical internship at the Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute, part of the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF).從adelphi大學在1958年之後,花了1年的臨床實習,在蘭利波特精神病學研究所部分美國加州大學,舊金山(國家地理). He served as chief psychologist in the U.S. Army, Fort Dix New Jersey from 1958-1960.他擔任首席心理學家,在美國陸,迪克斯堡,新澤西,從1958年. On discharge he returned to UCSF where he held a three year postdoctoral research fellowship.他出院回到少於他那裡舉行的為期3年的博士後研究獎學金. He then initiated his research program supported by grants from the National Institute of Mental Health and the National Science Foundation, and the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the DOD, loosely affiliated with UCSF.然後,他開始自己的研究項目得到資助,從國家心理健康研究所和美國國家科學基金會和先進研究項目署,國防部,鬆散隸屬於國家地理. In 1972 he was appointed Professor of Psychology at UCSF.1972年他被任命為教育心理系教授地理協會.
His interests have focused on two separate but related topics.他的利益都集中在兩個獨立但相關課題. He originally focused on nonverbal behavior, and by the mid-60s concentrated on the expression and physiology of emotion.他原本集中的言語行為,並受到中秋節60的集中表達生理和情感. His second interest is interpersonal deception.他的第二興趣是人際欺騙. His many honors have included the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award of the American Psychological Association in 1991, and an honorary doctor of humane letters from the University of Chicago in 1994.他的許多獎項包括傑出科學貢獻獎,美國心理學協會1991年一個名譽博士人文來信芝加哥大學在1994年. He was identified as one of the 100 most influential psychologists of the 20th century by the American Psychological Association and the London Observer listed him in 2006 as one of the 100 most important public intellectuals in the world.他被確定為其中的100名最有影響的心理學家,20世紀由美國心理協會和倫敦上市的觀察員,他在2006年作為其中的100名最重要的公共知識分子,在世界上. Dr. Ekman retired from UCSF in 2004.博士的ekman退出少於2004年. He currently continues to consult on research and training related to emotion and deception.他目前仍繼續磋商,研究和培訓有關情感和欺騙. A second edition of Dr. Ekmans most recent book, Emotions Revealed , will be released in 2007 and a book co-authored with the Dalai Lama on emotion will appear in 2008.第二版的ekman博士的最新著作,揭示了情緒,將在2007年發布的一本書的共同作者,與達賴喇嘛的情緒將出現在2008年.


情感是什麼",使生活居住的,"寫的ekman心理學家,在這個獨特的手--論卷午後狡猾與心理學人類學. His 40-odd years of research have led him to the conclusion (originally presented by Charles Darwin) that emotions, and their 10,000 facial expressions, are largely universal.他40多年的研究,已導致他的結論(原本由達爾文)的情緒,其10,000表情,在很大程度上具有普遍性. While an American smile may look much like a grin expressed by a Fore tribesman of Papua New Guinea, what actually triggers the toothy twinkle is culturally, socially and even individually determined.而美國的笑容看上去很像咧嘴笑表示,由一個部落捶巴布亞新幾內亞究竟引發閃亮的牙齒,是在文化,社會,甚至單獨確定. Emotions theselves cant be turned off, but they can be controlled, and Ekman draws upon the Buddhist concept of mindfulness to explain how, by tuning in to ones own emotional triggers, one can develop a heightened attentiveness, thereby side-stepping future blowouts.情緒theselves不能關掉,但他們可以得到控制,的ekman和借鑒佛教概念很有說服力的解釋如何,由無疆界的一個人對自己情緒的觸發因素之一,可以建立一個更加周到,從而方式步進未來破口. Ekman addresses in detail the cascade of changes that occur physiologically in an individual in the throes of one of five salient emotional categories (sadness, anger, fear, disgust and enjoyment).的ekman詳細談到了串轉變,即發生在生理上的一個個人在陣痛之一五個突出情感類(悲傷,憤怒,恐懼,厭惡和享受). In his engaging style, he asks his readers to conjure these emotions by studying photographs, meditating upon their own experiences and, if that fails, to contort their faces into specific expressions, for Ekman has found that physical manifestations actually generate corresponding emotional responses in the brain.在他從事的風格,他會先問他的讀者變戲法這些情緒,學習的照片,沉思後,將自己的經驗,如果失敗,就曲解他們的臉變成具體的表現形式,為的ekman發現,身體實際表現產生相應的情緒反應,在大腦. It is Ekmans hope that once these expressions have been identified, his readers will benefit from an increased sensitivity, and will possess the skills necessary for approaching others gripped with apparent emotion.它的ekman的希望,一旦這些詞句已確定,他的讀者將受益於更多的敏感性,將具備必要的技能,為即將來臨他人懷有明顯的情感



